The netstat options used show all (-a) TCP (-t) connections in a numeric (-n) format along with the name of the process (-p) responsible. 使用的netstat选项以数字格式(-n)显示所有(-a)TCP(-t)连接,以及所负责进程(-p)的名称。
Numeric Analysis on Low-pressure Perfusion Molding Process of Rapid Tooling 快速模具低压灌注成型的数值分析
Based on the reasonable assumption, a numeric model describing the process of axial heat conduction and gas-solid two phase diffusion within porous composite desiccant wheel was set up and solved. 基于合理的假设条件,建立了同时考虑轴向导热、质扩散以及多孔结构的数学模型,对硅胶基复合干燥剂转轮的传热传质过程进行了数值模拟计算。
The result of numeric simulation of aerodynamics in the wing folding process shows that the aerodynamics at various folding velocities is approximately the same. 机翼折叠动态过程的气动特性数值模拟结果表明,不同折叠角速度下飞机的气动力相差不大。
The study of numeric simulation of heat transfer process of U-vertical buried pipe of GSHP 土壤源热泵U型垂直埋管传热过程的数值研究
The mathematical model of numeric simulation of casting filling and solidification process were studied. 对铸造充型及凝固过程数值模拟的数学模型进行了研究。
Calculation of harmful emission and Optimizing of engine structure are based on the accuracy of numeric calculation of diesel engine combusting process. 发动机燃烧过程的数值计算精度是计算有害排放物和发动机结构优化的基础。
A Research and Analysis on Numeric Methods for Option Pricing under Levy Process 列维过程下期权定价的数值方法研究和分析
Numeric Simulation of the Solidification Process of Aluminium Alloy Piston in Metal Model 金属型铝合金活塞凝固过程的数值模拟
Due to the complexity of introducing new error model and calibrating methods into current VNA, the integrated numeric data process is realized out of the VAN. 由于在目前的矢量网络分析仪中,应用新的误差模型和新的校正方法非常复杂,笔者把其内部集成的数据处理流程拿到了网络分析仪外来实现。
The numeric analysis of roller& board system temperature field during aluminum cast-rolling process 铝材铸轧过程中辊-板系统温度场的数值分析
The function of pre-processing system is to prepare data for the numeric analysis system of injection molding process, and the most important work of it is to provide meshes for the analysis. 前置处理系统的功能是为注射成型过程数值分析系统作好准备,其中最重要的是为有限元分析提供网格。
Here it discussed the principle of numeric control contracting pipe machine, the process of solid metal material's plastic deformation procession and the steps to raise the plasticity of material. 讨论了数控缩管机的工作原理、固态金属材料塑性变形的的过程及提高材料的塑性的相关措施。
After the signals in the hopping range pass through the process of numeric channel and then the process of the most correlation, the distribution of the FH signals in the time-frequency picture becomes very clear. 在对跳带内的信号进行数字信道化处理后,再经过最大相关处理,时-频图上的跳频信号的分布情况将会变得非常清晰;
Experimental Study and Numeric Simulation of Flanging Process in Sheet Stamping Forming 翻边工艺的试验研究及数值模拟
The Simulation of Numeric Control Milling Process Based on SolidWorks System 基于SolidWorks图形系统的数控加工过程模拟
Numeric Simulation and Process Optimization for Gas Assisted Injection Molding of Sundries-Box 杂物盒的气体辅助注射成型模拟及工艺优化
Finite Element Numeric Simulation of ZrO_2 Powder in the Process of Compression of an Axisymmetric Block ZrO2粉体压制轴对称块体过程有限元数值模拟
The results of numeric solution show that the scheme established in this paper can reduce the numeric fluctuation and dispersion to the least, and simulate the process of convection-diffusion well. 数值试验结果表明,本文建立的格式可以同时使得格式的数值振动和数值扩散达到最小,能较好地模拟对流扩散波的传播过程。
The Simulation of Numeric Control Milling Process on Virtual Axis Machine Tool 虚拟轴机床数控加工过程的计算机模拟
Compared with numeric modeling of the whole process of coal spontaneous combustion, much smaller amount of calculation is required, yet precision can satisfy the demand to predict and prevent spontaneous combustion in gob. 该方法计算量比模拟采空区煤自燃全过程少得多,但划分精度却能够满足实际防灭火需要。
CAE for plastic injection molding software is usually divided into three subsystems: pre-processing system, numeric analysis system of injection molding process, and post-processing system. 塑料注射模CAE软件一般划分为三个子系统:前置处理系统、注射成型过程数值分析系统和后置处理系统。
Numeric model of stretching process of float glass 浮法玻璃成型过程的数值模拟
Numeric calculation in deforming process of metal plasticity 金属塑性变形过程的数值计算方法
Numeric Control Programming ( NCP) can be defined as the process that translate the cutter-tools-path file created in CAPP into numeric control program for manufacture device. 数控编程是一个将CAPP生成的刀位文件翻译成具体加工设备的数控程序的过程。
Techniques such as Numeric watermark, security container and security protocol which process the multimedia numeric right protection are primarily studied by people all along. 长期以来,以数字水印、安全容器、安全协议等方式进行多媒体内容版权保护得到了广泛的研讨。
The numeric simulation and optimizing of process in cold forming of miniature fastener 冷成形精密螺钉数值分析与工艺优化
Method Research on Selection and Valuation of Numeric Scale in Analytic Hierarchy Process 层次分析法中数字标度的选择与评价方法研究
Numeric simulation of model filling and solidification process to copper mould casting 充型凝固过程数值模拟在铜型铸件中的应用
The methods of differential and nonlinear programming, reservoir numeric simulation and its software are used in process of solving model. 求解模型时,利用了变分和非线性规划的系统控制论方法,并充分应用到油藏数值模拟及其软件的优秀成果。